Our process helps clients become more aware and more authentic in a market that wants us to look and act the same.
Our culture uses brands to hold powerful archetypes that inspire action, build community, and embed meaning in the everyday.
Brands must work on their ability to relate to culture, trends, and have dialogue in real-time.
Brand development is a process of self-inquiry that results in an authentic self that both relates to culture and pushes it forward.
The process of developing self awareness in an organization is sililar to that of the individual. Our approach to brand strategy and identity design draws from psychologist Carl Jung.
Jung understood that engaging with our unconscious through a process of self inquiry is the key to growth.
*Symbols and language activate powerful archetypes within the collective unconscious.
Amplifying the work of Jung, we've developed a set of tools to better understand the brand psyche, its relationship with culture, and how to individuate an authentic self.
The key to our success is found in the unexplored areas of ourselves. Cultivating a mindset and practice of active self-inquiry the first and most important step.
The unconscious is the unknown aspect of our system and the collective whole that is a massive resource for creative potential. When we cultivate a dialogue with it, we connect to a storehouse of universal ideas, symbols, and archetypes.
This is the process of "becoming ourselves" by integrating the unconscious or undifferentiated elements within our system. The result is a system that knows itself well enough to lead culture forward.
We map the "psyche" of our system that show us where which aspects we are over or underdeveloped in. Dynamic archetypes are a supplement to Jung's traditional image archetypes.
How well does our system relate to to culture, while being highly differentiated at the same time? We can visualize this dynamic relationship between our brand positioning and market trends.
The unexplored areas within our system that present themselves unconsciously in how we look, speak, and behave. The shadow can often be found on the opposite side of our most notable and visible traits.
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